Chord Vitamin

A free chord in your inbox every other day.

Hi! I’m Nate May, a professional composer and founder of Synthase, an online school for music creators.

I recently released a book on Amazon called The Synthase Guide to Chords. The book covers eleven commonly-heard chords with valuable info for songwriters, improvisers, and composers: how to build them, where to hear them, how to use them.

It soon became a #1 Amazon Best Seller in Music Composition on the Kindle store:

#1 Best Seller in Music Composition

Now I want you to have all of that info for free.

Every two days I’ll send one chord to your email inbox. You can read about it, try it out, and let me know how it goes.

And that’s it. No strings attached, and you can unsubscribe anytime.

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